Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Eat me? Drink me?

Day to day foods are getting more and more boring at this point. I am trying at least several times a week to find a new and inventive dish that sounds tasty to try. Most are meat. Have I mentioned I'm not a big fan of eating meat? I'm not. I like it ok, but it's just not really something I want to eat 2-3 times a day. It's so heavy! I have been really really good about sticking to the exact diet. Though I did eat a tiny bite of beans on total accident last night. To the point that I spit it out (had licked my finger after sticking in my son's refried beans) and washed my mouth out! The cravings haven't stopped. I'm 1.5 weeks in. What do I have to show? Nothing feels better. In fact, I feel pretty crappy most of the time. I'm trying to get out of my head as much as I can. I guess the anxiety might be improving, but I don't really know if it is, or if im just so tired of feeling like crap that I don't stress out about it every time I do.
It's isolating.
I don't really like to leave the house. What am I going to eat? Where am I going to be able to use the bathroom if I feel sick enough? Will I get hungry? I pack a lunch. A snack. Sometimes way more food than I anticipating needing. Most the time I eat it. All of it. If this doesn't help me gain weight, eating 24/7, I don't know what will! I have found a few new things that I really like though! I found this delicious butternut squash recipe: It's nice and savory, like a tasty treat of a snack, but it's also still VERY healthy! I've also found that I really don't mind sunbutter too much. I go through more than a jar per week! And I have found one very exciting thing: I CAN EAT APPLES! I can eat them raw, without stomach cramps! And they are quite tasty as they always have been! Before I couldn't eat more than a bite without getting a sour stomach. My stomach doesn't mind fruit as much! That's novel! I also eat a lot of veggies. I can handle a smoothie with KALE every day!
But when do I get to move on? The other day I was cleaning the kitchen and I started to think: If I could eat one new thing on the forbidden list what would it be? Eggs? Beans? Corn? Rice? I really couldn't decide! Rice would mean I could eat cereal! Corn would mean I could eat mexican food! and eggs.. well, eggs would make a whole new world of breakfast, lunch, and dinner possibilities. Not to mention almond bread. Which means sandwhiches!
So if you were in my shoes, which would you pick? There's always a chance your body will reject it... I guess only time will tell.. and so I continue my trip through wonderland. What will I find next?

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