Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Alice's Tea Party

So it's been quite some time since I wrote last. Much has been going on in the meantime. I have been on a modified diet about 7 weeks now I'm finally starting to feel more like a human. I was allowed at 2 weeks to start trying to add foods in. I started with rice, which resulted in a full week of stomach aches, stress, anxiety, etc. Looking back I don't think it was necessarily the rice, I was just really freaking out about the diet. Then I tried oats. I got anxiety symptoms immediately upon one bite of that. A few days later I tried almonds. Almonds seem to be relatively ok as long as I don't go overboard. Same with Flax. Then i tried eggs. My chin and cheeks and chest get itchy, but I never get a rash. I've tried them several times and anytime I have more than a couple bites, I get these symptoms and just generally feel itchy all day. I usually take a claritin. Last night I took the plunge and tried tomato. I don't have the best track record with tomatoes, but it seemed to go pretty ok! My guts have been a little grumbly for a couple weeks now, but I've also started something new- LEXAPRO! Why, you ask? Well, I landed myself in an ambulance on the way to the ER a couple days before Thanksgiving! I was feeling very lightheaded, dizzy, shaky, my heart was racing, I was super hot despite it being cold outside. Yup- it turns out I am just crazy! Nothing wrong with the EKG and nothing wrong with vitals, so home I went. Gave me a chance to have a nice long Holiday "vacation" but really was very stressful. The good news? Now that I'm on the antidepressant and meditating every single day and really working really really hard to manage my anxiety before it gets to that level I'm feeling a little better. I've still got clear digestive issues, lots of gas and bloating and cramps. Unfortunately, I am also not gaining weight, in fact I may have LOST a couple pounds. So I don't know what else to do. I have an appointment with a nutritionist, so hopefully that will give me more answers! Until then, I continue my adventure of trying new things!