Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Family history of indigestion

My family has complicated issues with our guts. It stinks. Sometimes literally. My dad had his gallbladder removed 2 years ago, and it really freaked me out. Then my mom and sister found out they were Gluten intolerant, and started down a path of elimination to find out what else they couldn't tolerate. It was too many things to list. Each person different than the other. Except Gluten and Dairy. I've always had issues with sugar and dairy, but figured, well, I can live with it. After having my adorable little kiddo, my body got a little deprived of nutrients. No big deal, right? Take a vitamin and get over it! Well, unfortunately, I've gotten worse and worse. Weight-loss, digestive issues, constant stomach aches and headaches were just the tip of the iceberg! Lucky for me I have VERY supportive people in my life! My adoring wife urged me to get help. I'm scared. I'm REALLY REALLY scared. Eventually I gave in and got the dreaded GLUTEN INTOLERANCE test. It came out SKY HIGH! Noting else was out of normal range, but that really means nothing. I eliminated gluten. Let me tell you, I LOVE GLUTEN! I love bread. I love sandwhiches. I love Pizza. I love Cakes. I love Pies. I REALLY LOVE CUPCAKES. I love CEREAL the most of all. I can't have it. Any of it. Ok, I can do this, right? Find a substitute. There's some great gluten alternatives out there, right? SURE are, but my stomach hates those too.. So now what?
Fear is rising, not to mention the ongoing anxiety, anger, and depression I've experienced in a heightened manner since giving birth. He suggests going on the RepairVite® diet. But what does that REALLY mean? It means I take a yucky powder twice a day. Along with some other suppliments, and cut out all dairy, grain beans, legumes, sugars, yeast, alchohol, caffeine, high-glycemic fruits, nightshades, nuts, and any processed foods.
Yes, I can eat meat (though I don't really want to), berries, apples, pears, a couple other fruits, most vegetables, kombucha, fermented foods, coconut, and some seeds. Cooking seemed impossible. Before going on this diet, I spent LITERALLY 10 hours trying to meal plan with little success. I decided October 28th was D-DAY.
-And so I started-
It kinda sucked. Okay, I won't lie, it REALLY sucked. I had been dairy free for many months. I had been gluten free for 2.5 weeks. But now I am everything free. But I feel so constrained.
I want sugar.
I want bread.
Mostly I want to eat anything in the cereal category. I don't really care what it's made out of at this point.
Instead, I made a crock-pot shredded beef and made a "taco" salad with lots of avocado. I started the morning with an unsweetened chia-seed coconut pudding with fresh berries. It was good, but not amazing. Lunch was small, and I ate several snacks of sunbutter and apples.
Tomorrow will be better, right?

Tomorrow is better it turns out! Eating was a little easier, since I had prepared and planned ahead, and I know I have to eat the second I get hungry, no matter what. So I bring food like I'm going on a picnic at all times. It works out ok.
Dinner was surprisingly DELICIOUS! Homemade Chicken and Veggie soup. I even added chicken bone broth. YAY! I did something right. I'm optimistic that tomorrow will be even better. Or maybe it will suck. One day at a time. BREATHE... JUST BREATHE!

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